Transition information for your child – September 2022

Welcome to our Two's Provision September 2022

Dear Twos parents

Welcome to Perry Hall Twos Provision, we are very excited about your child starting in Twos. To support you in knowing more about our Twos  we have put together some transition slides and a video of the environment. please click on the links below:

Twos Transition booklet 2022-23

Twos Curriculum Overview and Year Group Information- Spring Term

Twos – Spring Term Homework Grid

Two’s- Snow Day Home Learning


Video of learning environment :




Welcome to Nursery

Dear Nursery parents

Welcome to Perry Hall Nursery, we are very excited about your child starting in Nursery. To support you in knowing more about our Nursery we have put together some transition slides and a video of the environment. please click on the links below:


PH Nursery Presentation – 2023

Transition booklet 2022-23 Nursery

Nursery Curriculum Overview and Year Group Information- Spring Term

Nursery – Spring Term Homework Grid

Nursery Home Learning – 10.03.23


Video of learning environment :




Welcome to Reception September 2022

Transition booklet 2022-23 Reception Group 1

Transition booklet 2022-23 Reception Group 2

Introduction to RWI presentation for parents

Reception Curriculum Overview and Year Group Information- Spring Term

Reception – Spring Term Homework Grid



Video of learning environment :





The teachers have also been sharing their favourite stories ( see videos below). 

Stories read by your new teachers:

The Hungry Caterpillar – Read by Mrs Russell

The Gingerbread Man – Read by Mrs Phillips

There’s a Bear on my Chair – Read by Mrs Stanyer

The Owl Babies – Read by Mrs Williams

Downloadable Admissions Form

If you would prefer to print a copy of the form and it in to the office please download the copy below by clicking on this link:

Admissions form

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