Our Curriculum
We promote an inclusive curriculum where every child has the right to achieve their potential.
We strive to inspire so children aspire and have ambition, offer children experiences relevant to the curriculum and enrich their language in all we do.
Children remain at the centre of the curriculum and play a key part with their contribution to the planning stage, whether in Early Years where our practitioners observe the children’s interests and enhance the environment accordingly; or in upper school where pupils contribute their questions to a planning session.
We continue to interweave our school motto and core values into everything we do.`
Early Years Foundation Stage
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a comprehensive framework which sets the standards for learning, development and care of children from birth to five. For each area, the practice guidance sets out the Early Learning Goals. These goals state what is expected that children will know and be able to do at the end of their Reception year of their education. The practice guidance also sets out the likely stages of progress a child makes along their learning journey towards the early learning goals. We ensure that this is used when assessing children and planning their ‘next steps’ of learning.
Please click on the link below to view the latest EYFS Statutory Framework:
Key Stage One and Two
The National Curriculum highlights English, Mathematics, Science, Computing as the core subjects. These are taught alongside, the foundation subjects (History, Geography, Music, Art, Physical Education) and Religious Education. Children’s work is planned to meet their particular needs. It is differentiated to meet the needs of their differing abilities, and children are grouped by ability from Year 1 upwards to facilitate this within Mathematics and English.
Alongside the academic curriculum, we ensure that we develop the ‘whole child’. We have structured learning environment where we work to cultivate the aesthetic, creative, physical, spiritual, moral and social areas of experience for the benefit of all our pupils. The School is fully committed to Equal Opportunities Multi-cultural Education and promoting Modern British Values.
Should you require any further information on the curriculum we deliver in school, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
Long Term Planning:
2023-2024 – Long Term Plan – Nursery
2023-2024 – Long Term Plan – Reception