The children at Perry Hall were treated to a visit from Reverend Tom, who delivered an interesting and engaging assembly about Harvest in which he discussed the origins of food and how Harvest is celebrated today.

In addition to this, each year group had a harvest activity afternoon with parents where they created a variety of Harvest inspired cross curricular crafts. In Year 6, after discussing the importance of the harvest in history and how this has changed in modern times they sculpted replica lammas, using clay. In Year 5, children collected leaves from the playground and created their own wreaths as well as creating self-portraits using pasta. Year 3 drew and made their own paper pumpkins, and Year 2 created pumpkin lanterns as well as fruits made from Plasticine and crepe paper. Year 1 focused on scarecrows and created these from paper plates. While Early Years enjoyed a variety of activities relayed to harvest and autumn.  The afternoon was much enjoyed by all of the children and parents.

Thank you to all the parents and carers that sent in produce for the Good Shepherd. They were really grateful for the support and sent a letter to our families to show their appreciation.