Every year National Poetry Day brings people together to enjoy, discover and share words that matter. To celebrate National Poetry Day at Perry Hall, our children learned / created a poem, that was linked to their cross-curricular topic work. Parents were invited into school to share their child’s poem at the end of the day. This was a great opportunity to share with our parents what we have been learning and to read together.

In classes we looked at the following poems and then shared them with our friends and family:

Year 1 – a selection of journey poems (Journeys)

Year 2 – ‘Go to the Back of the Bus Rosa Parks’ by Carole Weatherford (Black History Month)

Year 3 – a selection of superhero kenning poems (Heroes and Villains)

Year 4 – ‘Henry VIII’s Wives’ by Anon (Tudors)

Year 5 – ‘The Brick Yard Boy’ by Anon (Victorians)

Year 6 – ‘Survival Instinct’ by Denis Martindale (Survival)